Application-Aware Processing for Physical Windows Server Backup
Vembu ImageBackup performs Application-Aware processing for physical Windows Server backup which protects imperative Microsoft applications such as Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Active Directory etc., Vembu ImageBackup ensures consistency of backup data, where application aware option aids the user in backing up applications without data corruption or data loss.
How it works:
Vembu ImageBackup allows the user to configure application aware option which helps in achieving consistent backups of Microsoft applications. At times of a disaster,the user can rebuild their physical application servers from scratch.
- Vembu ImageBackup utilizes the Microsoft VSS utility to take snapshot of the drives that are to be backed up, thus making the Microsoft applications transactionally consistent
- Vembu ImageBackup truncates Microsoft Exchange logs after a successful backup job to free up storage space
- Vembu Universal Explorer utility can be utilized for granular restore of applications from image backups