
Amazon Aurora is a fully managed, high-performance relational database engine built for the cloud. It’s designed to deliver the performance and availability of high-end commercial databases while being cost-effective and easy to manage. Aurora is part of Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) and is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, providing seamless migration from these database engines.

AWS Aurora database

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Key Features of AWS Aurora

High Performance:

Aurora offers fast read and write performance, with up to 5 times the throughput of standard MySQL and 2 times that of standard PostgreSQL.


Aurora is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, making it easy to migrate existing applications with minimal code changes.

Automated Backups and Failover

Aurora automatically takes continuous backups and offers instant failover capabilities with no data loss.

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Global Databases:

Aurora Global Databases enable read replicas to be promoted to primary instances in a different region for disaster recovery.

Storage Scalability:

Aurora’s storage automatically grows in increments of 10GB, up to 64TB per database instance, without disrupting database performance.

Multi-AZ Deployments:

Aurora offers high availability through synchronous replication across Availability Zones (AZs).

Serverless Option:

Aurora Serverless allows the database to automatically start, shut down, and scale capacity based on actual usage.


Aurora provides data-at-rest encryption, data-in-transit encryption, and supports IAM-based authentication.

Performance Insights:

Performance Insights helps optimize database performance by identifying bottlenecks and analyzing historical performance data.

Parallel Query Processing:

Aurora Parallel Query accelerates queries by pushing processing down to the storage layer, speeding up large analytical queries.

Read Replicas:

Aurora allows you to create up to 15 read replicas for scaling read-heavy workloads and improving read performance.

Use Cases:

Web Applications: Aurora’s high performance and scalability make it an excellent choice for web applications with rapidly changing workloads.

eCommerce: Online stores can benefit from Aurora’s ability to handle both transactional and analytical workloads effectively.

Gaming: Aurora’s fast read and write performance makes it suitable for multiplayer games requiring real-time interactions.

Analytics: The Parallel Query feature makes Aurora suitable for processing large analytical workloads.

Data Warehousing: Aurora’s compatibility with MySQL and PostgreSQL and its performance capabilities make it a viable option for data warehousing needs.

Amazon Aurora offers a combination of performance, scalability, and availability, making it an appealing choice for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re running a high-traffic web application, a gaming platform, or need a reliable data store for your analytical needs, Aurora provides a managed solution that simplifies database management while delivering impressive performance.

Architecture of AWS Aurora

The architecture of Amazon Aurora is designed to provide high performance, high availability, and durability while minimizing maintenance overhead. It combines familiar MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility with advanced features to deliver a reliable and efficient database service. Here’s an overview of the architecture:

Storage Layer:

Aurora’s storage architecture is based on a distributed and replicated storage system. It uses a purpose-built distributed storage system that’s fault-tolerant and self-healing.

Data is stored in 10GB segments spread across many disks. Each 10GB chunk of the DB volume is replicated in six ways and across three Availability Zones. This provides data durability even in the event of hardware failure.

Compute Layer:

Aurora separates the storage and compute layers. The compute layer consists of instances that run the database engine. There’s a primary instance for read-write operations and replicas for read scaling and high availability.

Multi-AZ Replication:

Aurora provides automatic failover support. In a Multi-AZ configuration, there is one primary instance and one standby instance in a different Availability Zone. Data replication is synchronous, ensuring minimal data loss during failover.


Aurora supports read replicas that can offload read traffic from the primary instance. These replicas share the same underlying storage as the primary instance, allowing them to provide up-to-date read data with minimal replication lag.

Replication Protocol:

Aurora’s replication protocol is efficient and parallelized. It replicates the redo logs continuously to the storage layer, which then makes them available to all replicas for read scaling and failover.

Parallel Query Processing:

Aurora Parallel Query improves query performance by pushing processing down to the storage layer. This allows for faster analytical queries by leveraging multiple cores and memory across the cluster.

Backups and Snapshots:

Aurora performs automated backups continuously and provides point-in-time recovery. Backups are stored in Amazon S3. Snapshots are continuously maintained and have no performance impact on the database.

Durability and Endpoints:

Aurora provides high durability, with data being replicated across multiple locations and continually backed up to Amazon S3. Aurora instances are accessible through a cluster endpoint for read-write operations and through reader endpoints for read operations.

The architecture of Amazon Aurora is designed to handle demanding workloads with high performance, automatic failover, and automated backups. Its separation of storage and compute, distributed storage system, and parallel processing capabilities contribute to its efficiency and reliability as a managed relational database service.

What are the components of Aurora Cluster

An Amazon Aurora cluster is made up of several components that work together to provide high availability, fault tolerance, and scalable performance for your database workloads. Here are the main components of an Aurora cluster:

Primary Instance:

The primary instance is the central read-write instance in the Aurora cluster. It handles all write operations and is the authoritative source of data. The primary instance ensures that changes are replicated to the Aurora replicas for high availability and data durability.

Aurora Replicas:

Aurora supports up to 15 read replicas. These are read-only instances that replicate data from the primary instance. Aurora replicas can be used to offload read traffic from the primary instance, improving performance for read-heavy workloads. Replicas can also be promoted to become the new primary instance in case of a failure.

Cluster Endpoint:

The cluster endpoint is a DNS name that you can use to connect to the Aurora cluster. It provides a single entry point for accessing the primary instance and all read replicas. The cluster endpoint automatically routes read traffic to available replicas, distributing the load.

Instance Endpoint:

Each instance in the Aurora cluster, including both the primary instance and replicas, has its own instance endpoint. The instance endpoint can be used to connect directly to a specific instance.

Cluster Volume:

Aurora uses a distributed storage system called the cluster volume. It’s a virtualized storage layer that spans multiple Availability Zones (AZs) within an AWS Region. The cluster volume provides data durability, fault tolerance, and automatic data replication.

Write-Ahead Log (WAL) and Distributed Storage:

Aurora’s distributed storage architecture uses a distributed write-ahead log (WAL) that replicates changes across the Aurora instances. This architecture enables high-speed replication and fault tolerance while ensuring data consistency.

Endpoint Read-Write Splitting:

The Aurora cluster endpoint automatically routes read queries to available read replicas. This read-write splitting mechanism balances the read traffic across replicas, improving overall performance and responsiveness.

These components work together to create a highly available, scalable, and performant database environment. Aurora’s distributed architecture, automated failover, and read scalability make it a powerful choice for applications with demanding relational database workloads.

What is Aurora cluster and Aurora instance

Amazon Aurora is a RDBMS engine provided as a service by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It’s designed to offer high performance, scalability, and availability for your relational database workloads. Aurora is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, meaning you can use familiar tools and libraries to work with it.

An Amazon Aurora setup consists of two primary components: the Aurora Cluster and the Aurora Instance.

Aurora Cluster:

An Aurora cluster is the high-level container for your Amazon Aurora database. It’s the central resource that encompasses the database instances, storage, and other supporting components. Aurora clusters are designed to provide high availability and fault tolerance.

Key features of an Aurora cluster include:

  • Primary Instance: The primary instance is the read-write instance where all write operations (such as inserts, updates, and deletes) are processed. It’s the source of truth for the database
  • Replica Instances: Aurora supports up to 15 read replicas, which are read-only instances that can be used to offload read traffic from the primary instance. These replicas are synchronized with the primary instance’s data and provide scalability for read-heavy workloads
  • Storage: Aurora uses a distributed storage architecture that automatically scales as your data grows. It’s fault-tolerant and durable
  • Failover: In the event of a failure of the primary instance, Aurora automatically fails over to a read replica, minimizing downtime

Aurora Instance:

An Aurora instance refers to an individual compute resource that is part of the Aurora cluster. Each instance can be either the primary instance or a read replica. An instance has its own resources (CPU, memory, etc.) and can process queries independently.

Aurora instances come in different sizes (compute and memory capacity) to accommodate various workloads and performance requirements. You can scale the number and size of instances in your cluster based on your application’s needs.

Overall, an Amazon Aurora cluster provides a highly available and scalable environment for your relational databases, with automatic failover, read replicas for scaling read workloads, and a distributed storage system for optimal performance. It’s designed to simplify database management and maintenance tasks while delivering impressive performance and reliability.

Create AWS aurora database with AWS CLI

Below is the procedure to create an Amazon Aurora database using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI):

Install and Configure AWS CLI:

If you haven’t already, install the AWS CLI and configure it with your AWS access keys and default region using the AWS configure command.

Create an Aurora Cluster:

In this demo below, we will create a MySQL compatible Aurora Cluster

Run the following command to create an Aurora database cluster:

aws rds create-db-cluster \
–db-cluster-identifier \
–engine \
–master-username \
–master-user-password \
–vpc-security-group-ids \
–availability-zones \

Replace placeholders with appropriate values:

: Unique identifier for the cluster.
: Engine for Aurora Cluster (Ex: aurora-mysql)
: Master username.
: Master password.
: Security group ID.
: Availability zones. (Ex: us-east-1a, us-east-1b)
: Initial database name.
: Aurora engine version. (Ex: 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.2)

When you run the command, you can find the output as given below

$ aws rds create-db-cluster –db-cluster-identifier demo-aurora-cluster –engine aurora-mysql –master-username admin –master-user-password Password#123 –vpc-security-group-ids sg-000e85b78d12586b3 –availability-zones us-east-1a –database-name mydb –engine-version 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.2

DBCLUSTER 1 True 1 2023-08-29T16:14:48.540000+00:00 False False arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:6547608793456:cluster:demo-aurora-cluster demo-aurora-cluster default.aurora-mysql5.7 default mydb cluster-OCBBHRRVV7T6T6ILQWNSGXWOJE False aurora-mysql provisioned 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.2 Z2R2ITUGPM61AM False False admin False IPV4 3306 05:04-05:34 mon:03:55-mon:04:25 creating False
VPCSECURITYGROUPS active sg-000e85b78d12586b3

After the command completes, in the AWS console, you can find the Aurora cluster being created. The creation operation takes a few minutes and the cluster turns to “available” state.

AWS Aurora database

Create Aurora Instances:

After the cluster is available, you can create Aurora instances using the following command:

aws rds create-db-instance \
–db-instance-identifier \
–db-instance-class \
–engine \
–db-cluster-identifier \

Replace placeholders as follows:

: Unique identifier for the instance.
: Instance type. (Ex: db.t3.small)
: Aurora Engine Type
: Unique cluster identifier.
: Availability zone to create the instane

When you run the command, you can find the output as given below

$ aws rds create-db-instance –db-instance-identifier demo-aurora-instance –db-instance-class db.t3.small –engine aurora-mysql –db-cluster-identifier demo-aurora-cluster –availability-zone us-east-1a
DBINSTANCE 1 True us-east-1a 1 region rds-ca-2019 False False demo-aurora-cluster arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:6547608793456:db:demo-aurora-instance db.t3.small demo-aurora-instance creating mydb 0 db-O77NDDNX4UWMS5JI6LFEWQGUU4 False aurora-mysql 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.2 False general-public-license admin 0 False IPV4 False 05:04-05:34 tue:03:04-tue:03:34 1 False False aurora
DBPARAMETERGROUPS default.aurora-mysql5.7 in-sync
DBSUBNETGROUP default default Complete vpc-5e746a27
SUBNETS subnet-11421b1d Active
SUBNETS subnet-a5d777c1 Active
SUBNETS subnet-026f4f9fb9714a4f4 Active
SUBNETS subnet-03e2fa52a07215e1e Active
SUBNETS subnet-f51024af Active
SUBNETS subnet-074fff03418789b50 Active
SUBNETS subnet-68834557 Active
SUBNETS subnet-36e3d01a Active
SUBNETS subnet-0275df83797c5f930 Active
SUBNETS subnet-0483be20b0dca961a Active
OPTIONGROUPMEMBERSHIPS default:aurora-mysql-5-7 in-sync
VPCSECURITYGROUPS active sg-000e85b78d12586b3

After the command completes, in the AWS console, you can find the DB instance being created. The creation operation takes a few minutes and the instance turns to “available” state.

In the AWS console, we can find the DB instance created under the DB cluster.

AWS Aurora database

Access the Aurora Database:

You can obtain the endpoint of your Aurora cluster from the AWS Management Console or by running the describe-db-clusters command with the –query option.

$ aws rds describe-db-instances –query “DBInstances[*].{DBName:DBName, Engine:Engine, Status:DBInstanceStatus, Endpoint:Endpoint}”
mydb aurora-mysql available

Use the endpoint to connect to your Aurora cluster using a MySQL or PostgreSQL client.


In conclusion, Amazon Aurora stands as a cutting-edge relational database engine within the AWS ecosystem, offering a host of features and benefits that cater to modern application demands. Built to be compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, Aurora redefines traditional database performance, scalability, and availability. With its distributed architecture and advanced replication mechanisms, Aurora sets a new standard for database management.

Amazon Aurora goes beyond traditional database solutions by delivering exceptional performance, scalability, and reliability in a managed environment. Whether you’re building new applications or looking to enhance existing ones, Aurora provides the foundation for data-intensive workloads, ensuring that your database solution evolves with the ever-changing demands of today’s technology landscape.

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