Frankly I’m not sure if it should be really called a pyramid. But with your business on the top and your market lined up on the other side with converging customer engagements leading to your revenue kitty, probably it gives the right picture.
Market dynamics have changed in the last few years. Your customers are much more diverse. They are much better informed than ever of your products and competitors, willing to try out different products and services before settling on one. They are on social media and community websites discussing your products. Well, that’s how a market should be, isn’t it? Competitive vendors and informed buyers.
But as a business what that means to you is that the engagement pyramid is getting wider at the bottom. All other things being equal, you now need larger team of marketers to cut through the noise and reach the customers. You probably need larger support team to handle the customer queries thrown at you via emails, web requests, social media posts etc. Your sales team has to engage with them more often, before convincing them to buy your product.
But it is not always possible for a small and medium business to do that. Your budgets are tight. Your resources are limited. You want to keep your current strength of your teams but somehow efficiently manage all your engagements. That’s where an efficient CRM platform like Vembu CRM can be helpful to your business.
Vembu CRM stores all your customer engagement data (marketing, sales and support) in one place, keeps them indexed and searchable. Its capability to manage multiple products and teams lets you capture all your intra-organizational activities, helping you to define your own business workflows and measure its effectiveness. It listens and monitors the social media, RSS and communities sites for you and alerts you when an action needs to be taken. That’s all in one place and all at once.
Therefore, doesn’t matter how wider the pyramid is getting, with Vembu CRM you can keep your teams leaner, make them work smarter and above all reap higher revenues. Is it expensive? Not at all. Check its pricing, if you can’t take my word!
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