Due to substantial research and rapid advancement of storage technologies, we have seen a progressive evolution from conventional tape to SAN. For a backup service vendor like ourselves, the underlying technologies matter a lot to us and we have always shown interest in providing a suitable secure backup solution to small and medium sized businesses.
Keeping pace with developments around us, we are now happy to extend our support for hard disks which have size more than 2TB. Through this support, we are entering the podium of backup service providers who are supporting GPT disk backups. This feature will be available in our next immediate release – v 2.1. So existing Vembu BDR or Vembu OnlineBackup users will be prompted for an update as a notification. Once you update your existing version, you will be able to backup GPT hard disks. I’d like to mention to the IT professionals and managers that currently we are supporting MBR disk backups for existing customers.
What’s so special about it?
In addition to the features we have in our Vembu BDR or OnlineBackup, users will be able to backup the MBR (master boot record) and GPT (guided partition table) hard disk with version 2.1 (from beta). We support the same set of features that are in stock for both BDR and cloud backup services.
The Set of Features are as Follows:
Instant Recovery:
With the power of instant boot, you will no longer need to worry about system meltdown. Vembu BDR helps small and medium sized businesses without any interruption to their 24/7 business operations. Users will be able to access the data anytime with the help of instant recovery.
SpinOff VMs in Cloud:
IT administrators, can now spin off the VMs in the cloud for even those hard disks whose size is more than 2TB. To learn more about this, read our Press Release:
P2V/V2P Conversions:
Physical to virtual or vice-versa is no longer a tedious task for IT admins. Vembu BDR facilitates IT professionals in this regard.
Persistent boot:
This is our mechanism with which IT admins will be able to ensure business continuity around the clock without compromising data! If you need more information about this, read out our previous blog:
If you’re interested in trying out our features, it is available as beta right now! You can get all the builds from below link:
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