We are delighted to share with you that Vembu BDRSuite has captured its place yet again in 5 different categories of awards from G2, in their G2 Winter Report 2022.
G2 divides the badge titles into 4 different quadrants as the Leader, High Performer, Contender and Niche. Customer/User satisfaction and the market presence of the product is taken into consideration as per genuine customer reviews and G2’s applied algorithm chooses the winners.
As per G2’s Grid and Momentum Grid Report, BDRSuite has been named as the ‘Leader’ in the ‘Server Backup’ as well as the ‘Online Backup’ categories. Leader quadrant in the Grid report is the highest rating for a product. According to the Momentum Grid report, BDRSuite is ranked in the top 25% in the Backup Software category, leading it to earn the above-mentioned badge.
The Small Business Grid Report termed Vembu BDR Suite as a ‘High Performer’ in the Online Backup category. In the Mid-market Grid Report, BDRSuite is termed a ‘High Performer’ in the ‘Server Backup’ Category.
BDRSuite has earned an exclusive award for ‘Best Support’ in the Mid-market Grid, categorized in the ‘Server Backup’.
BDRSuite has also been presented with the ‘Users Love Us’ badge. Users – Everything begins and ends with them and what more do we need when they love us.
Following are a few customer reviews from the G2 community,
“Incremental VM Backups, Customer Support and Scheduled Backups as well as Replication options, the email notifications for each backup and the ability to easily add and remove backup jobs with great options.The ability to also restore with advanced options like restoring as thick or thin provision disk for vmware is very handy.There is also file level restoration which is very handy in my opinion. Best Backup software out there for SME’s” – Rahim
“Simplicity, licensing is easy to understand, Vembu support is impeccable, such great partner support and a brilliant, friendly, and knowledgeable team. Cost-wise, Vembu is reasonable compared to the market. Vembu just works, simply, yet powerful” – Administrator at IT and Services
‘It happens to be one of the best BDR systems we have ever used. We are running in three different countries, Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia, and the results are excellent. The speed, accuracy, and data integrity check feature are fantastic.Easy to deploy, good customer and tech support response without forgetting reasonable prices.’ – Edwin B, System Administrator.
‘Vembu was easy to set up for me. Just pick an existing Server from our Infrastructure, install the Software, log in and GO. So I defined a destination Drive for my Backups. After this set up the Source-Server, picked my virtual machines and the Backup-Folder, defined the times to run the backups and how often and… done….Ok it is a bit more to set up, but it is easy!’ – Ralph B, IT Administrator.
Click here to read more reviews from the G2 Community. Also look out for some official videos of BDRSuite. Do check out the features BDRSuite offers to its users.
BDRSuite and team are glad to accept these badges and would like to express heartfelt gratitude to our genuine reviewers. The G2 is the most acknowledged tech marketplace for IT and receiving these awards from them adds on to the authenticity of the product. This will surely help the users in need of a good backup and disaster recovery solution to choose BDRSuite for their environment.
A working backup strategy deployed for your business will never let you down. Protecting virtual and physical machines with a comprehensive Backup and DR software will aid your businesses to be always available. BDRSuite will enable you to backup data on premise and also get additional copies ie; secondary copy, tape archive, offsite/cloud copy. This will thereby ensure double protection to your data.
To learn more about BDRSuite checkout our website
BDRSuite is a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution designed to protect your data across virtual (VMware, Hyper-V), physical (Windows, Linux, Mac), cloud workloads (AWS, Azure), and SaaS applications (Microsoft 365, Google Workspace) through its centralized web-based UI.
You can Download and get hands-on experience with the 30 day free trial of the Vembu BDRSuite v5.0.
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