Today, the term “Cloud Migration” has become popular across enterprises, IT services and individuals. Cloud migration enables organizations to deploy their data, IT applications or resources through the public, private or hybrid cloud environment from on-site infrastructure. Hence many companies starts to move all their data to the cloud not only to reduce management cost, but also workloads. The cloud allows organization to focus on business goals rather than monitoring the hardware availability and maintenance. In addition, the cloud can provide unlimited storage space, scalability, reliability and more.
Adopting a cloud environment is quite simple, but it requires careful planning to ensure successful execution. So enterprises need to be extra cautious while adopting the cloud. Here are the two main key concerns to keep in mind when moving applications to the cloud.
Security is the top priority in any cloud environment. All data is important and if any data violation occurs, it could mean the downfall of an organization. A cloud based storage organization should always take their security seriously while storing sensitive data. To secure IT applications in the cloud, it is essential to have a security mechanism like encryption, which can help guarantee data integrity and privacy. The challenge in security to choose the right technique to secure your enterprise and data.
Cloud providers:
Cloud providers focus on different services like Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) which provides storage options, Software as a service (SaaS) which is software service through internet and Platform as a service (PaaS) which allows to build platforms for developing softwares. When companies start relying on cloud-based services, providers are trusted to take care of the IT operations of the company. These cloud vendors provide variety of packages for their services. When it comes to choosing the right cloud vendor for a business, we should think about the security level they provide, the pricing structure, customer support service, service level agreement, solutions provided in case of data loss, cloud model and many other factors.
The cloud provides tremendous opportunities in modernizing an IT infrastructure but it has some difficulty in cloud migration which is transmitting large amounts of data over the internet. An individual or a company that attempts to use the cloud as their source of data storage should prepare themselves with a set of rules to abide on with utmost conscience.
Initial backups of data can be done via a seeding method, where you will be required to transfer your data through a hard disk to the cloud provider. Your hard disk will reference the serial number and address with identification informations to the cloud provider. This will help in reducing both bandwidth and time.
Explore the cloud and start thinking of the predefined boundary limits of your business.
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