“There is always something to be thankful for.'' On this Thanksgiving Day, we at Vembu would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to each and everyone who has supported us throughout our journey, without which we couldn’t have secured ourselves a space on this [...]
Data protection and backups are extremely critical in any environment, no matter if they are located in the main data center or business-critical resources and data located in edge environments. This includes Remote Office/Branch Office (ROBO) environments. There is certainly a trend in today’s enterprise [...]
Everyone agrees that data is a critical asset and its growth is exponential. Just imagine an unfortunate situation where your system crashes and you no longer have access to your business-critical data. Cause for it can be one of many - malware attacks, accidental file [...]
Backup is an IT essential. Nobody will disagree. At least, not in 2019. After the increasingly imaginative ways with which data is taken hostage, corrupted or lost in the recent times, we are now at a point where if you have a critical piece of [...]
The new Vembu BDR Suite v4.0.1 release includes significant enhancements and bug fixes that are geared towards performance improvement. Also, this release addresses the issues reported by customers on the previous build v4.0. To learn more about the Vembu BDR upgrade v4.0.1. Refer to the [...]
For a business to function, apart from hard and smart working individuals, admin teams require many software products to help them grow in leap & bounds. Hence, the efficiency of a product plays a major role in determining success. How does a business choose a [...]
The best and possibly, a vague way to understand AI is that it mimics human behaviour and such mimicry is vastly used by organizations around the world to reduce the repetition of tasks. AI is here to stay and has already become mainstream. If you [...]
Microsoft's Active Directory is at the heart of many enterprise organization's authentications and access management mechanisms. Active Directory serves as the center of mechanisms that allow users and computers to authenticate as well as applications to integrate and make use of user permissions to run [...]
Most organizations who have had any sort of technical footprint over the past few decades are familiar with backing up their data. In the on-premises world, this included backing up file servers, application servers, and database servers. Since most organizations have transitioned to a mainly [...]
In today’s security conscious world, one of the increasingly demanding aspects of IT operations is ensuring compliance and regulatory requirements. With more focus and demand on ensuring that data is protected, secure, and resilient, organizations today are feeling the pressure to meet these ever-growing demands [...]