How often do you think about the safety of your servers? Can you bet that the security of your system will be foolproof, relying solely on a provider’s promises?
Considering the increasing amount of data breaches year after year, it’s easy to see that hacking software systems has become a booming business. Hackers have clearly understood that data and information are the key to supreme power in today’s technological era.
With the confidential information of an individual, a hacker can do anything. They can fake an identity, access credit and debit information and can even make falsities with the details being registered with unknown sources.
In our previous blog Hacks of 2014 – The Alarming Security Breach, we have listed the top security compromises that happened this year. When you look up the details of the hacks, you can find one thing in common – private data of individuals.
It is essential to make sure your server is safe without compromising the services you need. These measures can be taken with some basic precautions:
- Make sure password credentials used are of combinations ranging between 8 to 16 string length. The combination should include capital and lowercase letters along with numerals and symbols.
- Make sure no unknown and unauthorized third party applications are installed on your server.
- Change your passwords regularly.
- Verify firewall security rules do not allow unauthorized access to internal servers.
- Verify authorized personnel’s access to the server.
- Surveillance monitoring to the physical area of server location.
- Conduct regular risk assessments on the services and hardware setups you use.
These preliminary steps should be reviewed periodically. Having a basic awareness of the security of your servers can help you avoid data breaches.
Your private data is meant to be private. Once revealed, you can’t revert the damages caused – at least not easily. It is wise to follow precautionary steps to make sure you safely backup and protect your backup data.
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