The moment we hear the word backup, we get sort of a relief as it gives a solution to overcome accidental data loss.
Now, let me explain the importance of backup in a much better way. Having duplicate copies of our most important information saved in a remote location assures security, in case our computer goes kaput !
Real life scenarios of data loss:
- Computer crashes– always happen least when we expect it and most when we need it to not happen resulting in serious data loss.
- Virus attack– aggressive malicious viruses can corrupt files and disable computers.
- Storage failure– hard drives have a finite lifetime and can fail without alert. Such sudden storage failures cause loss of irreplaceable files saved over the years.
- Physical damage – your files are more at risk if you use a laptop. Light and portable comes at the price of reduced durability. Laptops are sensitive and are easily damaged if dropped or have drinks spilled over them.
- Theft– computers are sought after by thieves and cannot always be kept secure whilst travelling.
Your data is your property:
The bottom line- if you value what’s stored on your computer, it’s wise to take steps to protect your information from sudden and unexpected loss. Work can be redone, but the loss of cherished files like family and travel photos is permanent.
Whether its a school going child who keeps saving his/her games in the computer or a business tycoon who has a ton of data stored on his computer, data holds a lot of value for each one of them. Losing data is neither tolerable or affordable.
Protect yourself with Online Backups:
For all these reasons everyone thinks of something like backing up their data so that they can keep their data safe. Many users regularly back up their files to their computer hard drive, but in the event of a total system breakdown this will not protect the information. Saving data to a separate location makes far more sense, and can be easily done if you have an external hard drive, or a large-capacity pen drive to back up onto. But this method is only secure as far as the external device is secured and moreover the external device has to be kept in a different location away from our computer.
Also, in spite of our care, we may often forget to copy our files as often as required and the most recent work will be left unprotected.
So the best, easy and safer solution for backup of our valuable data lies in using an online backup service. Files stored online are safe from damage of computer, and if something goes wrong with our machine we will still have remote access to our information from any computer with internet access. This means files can be quickly and easily restored to your computer from a secure online server.
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