Before a magnificent photo is placed on the shelf, a lot of work takes place behind the scenes. Likewise, we are working on an exciting feature that will change the way for backing up VMware VMs. I understand many VMware administrators and storage admins are looking for this kind of a comprehensive technique, which will help them meet desired RPOs and RTOs with valid data. With this feature, VMware backups can be taken much faster than traditional techniques.
No Physical Server Required:
With this feature, the backing up of VMs using an exclusive physical agent is not really required. It just works with your existing VMware Server. In other words, VMs can be backed up with existing hardware which will save a ton of dough that gets spent on procuring exclusive physical machines just for backing up VMware agents.
High speed VMware Backups:
As the proxy VM is created on existing hardware/ESXi host, backups can be taken 3X faster!
No LAN traffic:
No data transfer (No read/write) through LAN during backup. So, it won’t affect your enterprise daily LAN traffic during backup hours.
For HotAdd feature, these are the below requirements from VMware:
- The agent must be installed on the Virtual Machine on the same ESXi server where the source VM’s resides.
- If proxy vm in which backup agent is running is on a VFMS3 datastore, the volume on proxy vm should be formatted with appropriate block size given below depending on the maximum disk size of the source VM(s).
- 1MB block size – support up to 256GB.
- 2MB block size – Support up to 512GB.
- 4MB block size – Support up to 1024GB.
- 8MB block size – Support up to 2048GB.
- The disks that are to be hot added must be SCSI. IDE drives are not compatible with hotadd.
- The proxy vm should have installed VMware tools and VMware tools should be upgraded immediately to the available newer version.
If you are looking for a reliable and cost-effective VMware backup solution, then BDRSuite is a great option.
Well, if you’d like to get notified when it is available or if you are ready to test our lab version, get in touch with us at 1-844-640-1499 or email us at
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