Linked Servers allows you to connect to the SQL SERVER instance in the other machines or remote servers.
It allows SQL Server to execute T -SQL queries against OLE DB data sources on remote servers using OLE DB providers.
The remote servers can be SQL Server, Oracle,Excel,MS Access etc. which means those databases that support OLE DB can be used for linking servers.
Creating Linked Server using GUI through SSMS
In Object Explorer , expand the tree view of the SQL Server, expand Server Objects and Right Click on Linked Servers and choose New Linked Server.
It will take you to new wizard like below.
Server Type :
If the server type is SQL Server ,then Linked Server name we are going to enter into the textbox should be the same as the target SQL Server which we are going to link. The target SQL Server instance is a name should be “MachineName\Instancename”.Then click ok. After that select
Security Page,
Select the Security option on the left side pane. Choose the “Be made using this security context option” and enter the SQL Login Username and Password. This username with that password must exist on the remote server.
Server Options page.
This page is used to set the linked server properties. For example if the Data Access is set to True, we can access the data on the remote SQL server using the Linked Server.
Note : We can modify all of the options at a later time after the Linked Server is created.
We can find if it was created successfully by expanding the Linked Server in Object Explorer. Now we can able to see the databases and tables under the databases of a linked server.
We can query the tables of linked servers and other objects like stored procedures and views etc.
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