We had a couple (two, to be honest) of requests for the lyrics of our Cloud Cloud Maybe video. If you haven’t seen it yet, what are you waiting for?
8,670 people can’t be wrong. That’s how many views its got on YouTube alone.
The lyrics? Here goes…
Yo ISP! Let’s vaporize it
Cloud cloud maybe (x2)
All right stop. Virtualize and listen
This cloud is hot – infrastructure invention
This trend is grabbin’ hold of us tightly
We’re blogging and debating daily and nightly
Is it really hot? Yo, I don’t know
but scalin’ on demand, it does show
To the extreme – McKinsey caused a scandal
when they donned their IT guru mantle
HYPE! The Gartner peak looms
SMBs are fine. Enterprise? No room!
Baloney! IBM said quickly
The suits are off their rocker. I think they’re just being prickly. Obviously!
Use it or Hate it, it’s here to stay
You’d better learn the rules of how you wanna play
If there’s a load of them, the cloud will scale it
Check out EC2 while S3 stores it
CHORUS: Yeah! Cloud Cloud maybe.
Go for it, baby! Cloud cloud maybe.
Cloud cloud maybe.
Now that I got you thinkin’
I see you’re looking for ideas ripe for a pickin’
Ready to virtualize to the point of abstraction
So you can reap when the cloud gets inflexion
Be smart; drink the kool-aid from a thimble
Don’t get all crazy when you see a symbol
Or a ppt… with some souped up lingo
Convincing that the cloud isn’t the way-to-go
“Cloud compatability on”, so you can grow
Scale on the fly, wave your headaches bye
Should you believe it? “But you’ve got to give it a try”
SUN -CLOUD. An oxymoron if I saw one.
But this & Atmos add to the fun.
The box is dead YO
Let’s move now to – S.O.A.P. – Cloud Computing
You can also run a cloud in its minis
Private clouds are hotter than grilled paninis
My Cloud! Coz I want no one pryin’
Cluster ‘em together & be just fine
Just SOA, nothing new some say
“old wine in new bottles” summarizes their take
GTrends! Shoots up as the vendors yell
This stuff is hot, by the noise you can tell
GOOGLE! No idea what they’re up to
App-Engine…G-Drive…there’s more in their zoo
Vapor to Vapor, the cloudosphere’s packed
If you’re trying too long for the attention of a hack
Cloud enable your scene you know what I mean
That’ll sex you up, put you on the radar screens
So what if its working? Yo, lets cloud it
Cloud’s here to stay. Microsoft will Azure it
Cloud cloud maybe its too hot too hot
Cloud cloud maybe its too hot too hot
Yo man. That’s a server there!
Send it to the museum!
Yet another reason I love you guys!! That was fun!
Glad you enjoyed it, Jason.
Thanks for yet another reason why we enjoy working with partners like Wintensive :-)