We @ Vembu are of course excited to be a part of #HTG earlier this week at Dallas, Texas and it was definitely a wonderful 4 days being in the midst of highly energetic minded people!
A big shout out to the nice folks at HTG (@Arlin and Team) organizing these events where MSPs can meet, greet and mainly learn best practices from each other. Who better to learn about the business and industry, but from your peers? It was indeed heartwarming to see the number of MSPs stepping forward and embracing cloud technology.
One major concern that was aired at the event when we spoke to MSPs is that businesses are showing a tendency to check out major cloud service platforms like Microsoft Office 365, Google Apps etc. However the good thing about the business model of MSPs is that they have all the liberty in the world to offer the very best of cloud services from various vendors unlike the big cloud service providers. Any organization will have various requirements for managed services ranging from accounting, invoicing, network, office, backup, disaster recovery etc. and it is just not a practical task to get the best of everything under one roof. And this is exactly where the MSP business model is win-win for both the MSP and the customer. Plus when it comes to trust, companies go for the person whom they can easily access and talk to – your friendly neighborhood MSP!
Being a hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, file sharing & sync vendor in the channel market, we help MSPs to offer cloud based services which is multi-tenant and scalable with an easy to use, pay-as-you-go licensing model. This will help MSPs to have profitable MRR without spending too much on CAPEX investments.
So were you present at the HTG Summit 2013? Do drop in a comment and we can catch up!
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