An appliance in general is defined as a device or a piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically a domestic one. But, what if the physical appliance were to be transformed virtually to finish a desired task? This thought has paved the way for creating a virtual appliance. From then on, things have rapidly changed with fast adoption by SMBs and entry level players in testing or deploying appliances.
The main reason why SMBs got interested in the technology behind the appliance market is basically lower cost estimations in server deployment and essential applications. Also, for physical appliances, there is that overhead of server management followed by server migration, server modification\improvisation which will not only incur cost but takes considerable amount of workload and time period to get installed and configured.
A Virtual appliance renders these tasks with relatively small scale administration. A virtual appliance is an image file that contains a VM with preconfigured operating system and a set of applications along with a virtual disk file. This is a more optimal solution for the system admin in terms of costs, time and workload involved in deploying a server. Also upgrading RAM and storage space can be done without any hassle.
Considering these possibilities and advantages, Vembu has launched its brand new virtual appliance for SMBs at zero cost. A zip file that contains a OVF file and a Virtual disk along with a manifest, Beginners guide and a ReadMe.txt that contain pre-configuration details can be downloaded from vembu downloads.
We at Vembu have provided an open VA for our customers which is accessible to modifications as per their requirements. We have deployed it on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Operating system (which is a JeOS). With the launch of our virtual appliance preinstalled with Vembu BDR, we want to ensure that our customers can easily backup their client machines in a pre configured manner with no deployment related issues.
To learn more about Vembu’s virtual appliance, please do drop your mail at and don’t forget to read our beginner’s guide and Readme file before drafting your mail.
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