In Vembu HelpDesk ticket management system, which is developed for effective and efficient handling of customer tickets, there are 5 ticket status available for you to manage and categorize your end users queries. They are New, Open, Pending, Resolved and Closed.
When a new ticket arrives in Vembu HelpDesk, it might be created by your agents or by your end users, it will be in “New” state. When a ticket needs any actions from your agents, it will be marked as “Open“, which means end user is waiting for your agent’s reply, and When your agent needs any additional information from the end user, he can change the ticket status as “Pending“. i.e., Agent replied to the end user’s query, now he is waiting for their response. Once your end user responds to that ticket, it will be automatically moved to “Open” state.
Generally “Resolved” state is for someone who has provided some solution for the query and “Closed” is used when someone verified that given solution is correct. But it is quite confusing for the agents as when to mark tickets as Resolved and when to mark it as Closed.
The major difference between Resolved and Closed tickets are as follows:
1. Resolved tickets:
You can move your end user’s tickets to “Resolved” state when you believe that the request is resolved. Once the ticket is marked as resolved, the end user who raised the corresponding query will get an email to rate your support(CSAT) and you can get the detailed CSAT rating by viewing the CSAT Reports. In Customer self service portal, end users will have a button using which they can mark a ticket as “Resolved” with CSAT rating and optional feedback.
2. Closed tickets:
You can move the tickets to “Closed” state when your superior has acknowledged that the solution for the raised query is correct. CSAT email will not be sent to your customers when you close the ticket.
Any time, a customer responded to a ticket, that ticket will be automatically moved back to “Open” state. Vembu HelpDesk allows you to add an automation rule to automatically close tickets, if it remains in resolved state for more than x-days.
Conditions :
Status is Resolved
Updated Time greater than 96 hours ( 4 days )
Actions :
Set status as Closed
The above mentioned automation rule will helps you to reduce your manual work.
To know more about Vembu HelpDesk, please click here.
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