Consider that you are about to backup your hard drive or a full blown server and you’ve decided to go for a cloud based backup solution because you want to make sure that the data can be secured away from physical disasters damaging your backup site. Now, cloud based solutions typically offer to keep mirrored copies of your data in multiple locations, so that any restoration of data is shielded from the downtime of a particular location.
Speaking of all this, one should be aware of the fact that a full backup for an entire server would consume least size of 1 TB which would grossly eat up bandwidth. Though the incrementals will be less in size (MBs and GBs) and can get backed up without issues, a full backup will take a long period to complete and even more so, if it has to compete for resources required by other services.
The solution to this would be to seed backup physically via hard drive instead of using internet. This will have a wide range of advantages:
- It saves up bandwidth to a large extent.
- Backup time consumption will be reduced.
- Your data’s safety is reassured with AES-256 encryption (safety will not be compromised at any instance as it is a military level encryption).
- The cost for transit charges of your hard drive will be lesser than the cost of bandwidth as well as the time consumed.
We would like to remind you, that not only seeding of your backup data but also the restore jobs can be processed manually without issues via the route of physical drive being sent to the cloud server. Also, kindly note that restore process will have all the same advantages stated for seeding backups.
We at Vembu are always committed to addressing customer concerns in such a way that once raised, they will get resolved with maximum satisfaction and within minimum time span. Thus, we are extremely pleased to announce to our customers that they can henceforth ‘import & export’ their backup data to seed on to the cloud server as well as can retrieve their backup data using a physical drive instead of using the more expensive internet passage.
We always care for our customers and their backup data. So please do get in touch with us via social media and forum discussions for updates about your concerns and suggestions.
Happy seeding.
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