It is the Vembu Way to astonish our customers repeatedly. And so we are back again, only this time to prepare you for something really big and unexpected coming your way. To give you just a little idea, this latest surprise will knock your socks off because it has never before been offered by any backup solution ever in the industry.
Vembu’s latest bombshell is all wrapped up and waiting to be gifted to our customers at the right time. But before letting the surprise out of the bag, we would like you to guess what it might be. We will be hinting at it plenty in our coming blogs and encourage everyone to send in your best guesses:
Either email with subject “Surprise- The Vembu Way”
or tweet @vembutech with the Hashtag #TheVembuWayOfSurprise
Through this game of guesses, we hope to not only find the synchronicity between our customers and Vembu but also better understand the expectations of customers from backup products.
Ready to play? Let the games begin!
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