If you missed last week’s video snippet on the Vembu BDR v3.0 for production environments,
Here is the link once again for your viewing pleasure :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGOuJXLJRzo .
There are other ways to backup and then there is ‘The Vembu Way’.
‘The Vembu Way’ for Hyper-V environment:
Vembu BDR gives you the singular advantage of having your VMs backed up seamlessly in a Hyper-V backup environment?. A failed backup is virtually impossible thanks to Vembu’s very own proprietary driver SiP™ (Snapshot injection Protocol).
To learn more about SiP™, please visit:
‘The Vembu Way’ for VMware environment:
You not only have your Hyper-V environment protected solid but also your VMs on VMware secured with Vembu BDR v3.0. That is not all. Have your VMs (on VMware environment) backed up at blazing speeds with Vembu’s very own UltraBlaze™ technology.
To learn more about UltraBlaze™, please visit:
MSPs, Customers turned Partners – The Why
The backup industry has been speculating on motives ever since Vembu decided to convert our customers into partners. CRN, a Australian based news channel, brought out a blog calling this shift a threat to MSPs. However, we see it differently. This is clearly a win-win opportunity for MSPs and to learn Why, please visit:
In the coming weeks, we promise to give you a closer look at ‘The Vembu Way’ through regular blogs.
Please also Follow our Twitter and Facebook feeds for new releases, updates, insightful posts and more.
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