We are working hard to deliver new features to our customers in a timely manner without compromising quality. When we are talking about quality, we believe perfection is not possible for any product. There will always be some issues but they shouldn’t be critical or affect your production environment.

For a faster releases, we need your input. Try our BETA build and let us know your feedback. It might be positive or negative, but it will help us to focus on your exact needs in terms of the specific feature.

Protect Your Data with BDRSuite

Cost-Effective Backup Solution for VMs, Servers, Endpoints, Cloud VMs & SaaS applications. Supports On-Premise, Remote, Hybrid and Cloud Backup, including Disaster Recovery, Ransomware Defense & more!

Vembu BDR v2.1.0 BETA will be a game changer. We are now releasing Hyper-V CBT backup which tracks the changed blocks during incremental backups much faster with the help of our own Hyper-V driver.

What’s new:

Hyper-V CBT:

Hyper-V CBT backup lets you backup your Hyper-V virtual machines and perform instant boots during a disaster. Our all new Hyper-V CBT driver tracks for the changed blocks in an efficient manner and it helps to run the incremental backups 5X faster!

Backup verification:

Vembu BDR’s image verification process provides a way to be sure that your image backups are working by running boot test, mount test and also, run chkdsk to make sure the integrity of the data. You can easily verify this, by viewing the screen shot of the boot screen everyday.

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Download as VHDX:

Now Vembu BDR supports one more virtual hard disk format VHDX along with VHD, VMDK and IMG formats during restore. You can either download or instantly access the VHDX along with VHD, VMDK and IMG formats for disk image, VMware and Hyper-V backups. This will not use any additional storage on your storage repositories. It’s virtual!

Disk image backup support extended to larger disks:

GPT disks with more than 2TB now can be backed up by using Vembu BDR disk image backup option.

VMware disk level restore:

VMware disk level restore allows you to restore only required disks during recovery, instead  of restoring the entire VM. You can restore any specific disks to the same VM or different VM.

You can download the Vembu BDR v2.1.0 BETA builds here:

Vembu’s support will guide you during any situation. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with us at

US/Canada: 844-312-5773
UK: +44-203-793-8668 for FREE or

mail us at vembu-support@vembu.com.

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