Why does World Backup Day comes a day before April Fool’s day? That is one question that lingers in everyone’s mind and I’m curious myself to know an exact answer for the same. However without much of the research, I was able to convince myself that Data Backup is much serious than people’s perception about it. Ironically, 30% of people who use gadgets have never backed up in their life. They believe that backups are one of those sophisticated things that would require time, effort and of course costs. But then, if such a guy loses an important document by any reasons whatsoever, the impact that it leaves on him makes him feel that he is April-Fooled!!

Let’s go personal first. People think that if any document is stored in their electronic machines, it would stay immortal forever. One should understand that data if untouched might be immortal but machines are not. Viruses, Malware, Spyware, Ransomware , Disasters and there are several threats that might question the very existence of the concept of safe environment for Data. Be assured that even if there is the most powerful anti-virus installed in your system, it cannot guarantee that your data would be secure forever. There should be a backup for anything and everything when you consider that data is very important to you and let’s admit that nowadays every data is important as it might be needed at any point of time.

Protect Your Data with BDRSuite

Cost-Effective Backup Solution for VMs, Servers, Endpoints, Cloud VMs & SaaS applications. Supports On-Premise, Remote, Hybrid and Cloud Backup, including Disaster Recovery, Ransomware Defense & more!

Let’s dive into an organization’s perspective, now. One certainly knows that organizations have mammoth amount of data of their customers and stakeholders and if there is any loss of data, the organizations are for a big toss. There are lawsuits, reputation damage and there are much more impacts as well. That certainly brings in the concept of Data Backup. We must understand that modern firms are more careful than ever when it comes to storage of information and precisely, they are ready to embrace the concept of Data Backup. Large enterprises have so much cashflows that they do not mind minting out funds for backing up their data. This is where, small and medium businesses have a catch-22 situation. They do not wish to lose their reputation in case of a data breach but they are also concerned about their overhead costs. Be it physical server backups or virtualization backups, a SMB would like to have a backup mechanism which would suit their business requirement. There are firms that are migrating to virtual backup environments to cut down their overhead costs and they wish to have a cost-effective solution that would actually help them to forget their backup and disaster recovery woes and concentrate on their routine business activities.

Disaster Recovery is another concept that is getting popular as every company is now concerned about their business continuity. Business continuity is getting crucial nowadays as the current business world is so competitive that it would derail the firms who fail in business continuity. Business continuity is the ability to get back to business in shortest span possible.

When Disaster of any sort, be it natural disaster or power outage, the firm should have such a disaster recovery mechanism that it would not affect the routine activities of the firm.

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There are various Data Backup and Disaster Recovery products available for the Small and Medium businesses but they might not offer them what they really want and even if they do, it would cost them a huge deal.

Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) are the time duration to recover a backed up machine after a disaster. This is the key point of every backup and recovery solution. If your data is lost due to man made or natural disaster you need to get back things on track immediately. Because every second of downtime is trouble for every organization. So your backup solution must recover your data and get everything up with minimum RTOs.

Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) are until which point in time you can recover the machine data after disaster. Also, you need to consider the security of your business critical data.

Vembu offers industry best RTO, which is less than 15 minutes. Vembu VMBackup has a great mechanism to achieve this RTO less than 15 minutes, which is Instant Virtual Machine Recovery, Instant File-Level Recovery and application level recovery for  Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, SQL and Active Directory.

Vembu VMBackup offers near continuous data protection of your data center, where we have automated Backup and Replication mechanism. You can run the backup with the frequency of every 15 minutes and by this way you can assure the RPO of less than 15 minutes. Vembu VMBackup provides end-to-end AES 256-bit encryption and compression of backup data which ensures that the backup data of clients is secured.

The final thing you need to think about  is a cost effective solution. Most of the solution have high costs associated but do not have a proper DR Plan. Vembu offers an effective Disaster Recovery solution with minimal cost.

On the eve of World Backup Day 2016, We are offering 10% discounts on all our products till March 31st, 2016. So Why wait? Grab this opportunity and experience the seamless Backup and DR mechanism of Vembu.


To get experience in Vembu VMBackup, please give a try:


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