Client Authorization
The backup data is extremely vital and has to be protected, but in some cases, the data is prone to the situation where the backup data might be sent to an unknown server due to human errors causing the sensitive data to be vulnerable. Vembu’s Auto Authorization will generate a unique passkey using which only the authorized clients can connect to the server.
How it works
- You can enable Auto Authorization on Vembu BDR Server as it remains disabled by default
- In the BDR console, go to Management ->Settings ->Auto Authorization and click enable to generate the Registration key
- If the client machine wants to connect to the target server, the unique Registration key generated in that particular server has to be entered by the client at the time of client setup
- The connection between the target server and the client will be established only if the Registration key matches and the client is added to the target server
- This Registration key should also be provided when you “add backup server” during the configuration of backups from client
- If the entered registration key differs from the actual registration key of that particular target server, the requested connection between the server and the client will be terminated
- If auto authorization feature is not enabled in your target backup server. You don’t require the Registration key to “add backup server” during backup configuration
- Click on reset option to Re-generate a new Registration key. Once a new key is generated, the older key will not be valid