Vembu BDR Suite » Known Issues & Limitations » General
- Multithreaded Instant Boot VM process at the same time is not supported
- For VMware and Disk image backups, virtual machines created through the Instant Boot VM option will not contain network adapter settings, they have to be enabled manually
- Disk Mount is not supported for Linux based Backup Server
- Folder level right-mouse-click option to mount a VHD file is disabled on Windows 2012 R2 server OS
- Vembu VMBackup Client tray service may fail to start after automatic software update
- Storing MongoDB and MySQL metadata on LVM disks are not recommended
- Instant boot VM via Hyper-V is not supported for Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2012, and Ubuntu Guest OSes with more than 2 TB disks
- The Vembu BDR Backup servers installed in Windows 2008 R2 do not support Instant Boot VM, File-Level Recovery, Image Integrity Check for guest OSes having disk size more than 2 TB
- Booting IMG files having disk size 2 TB is not supported on KVM (i.e) Linux OSes
- Configuring networks during Instant Boot VM is currently supported only for Hyper-V plugin and Hyper-V Integration Services must be up-to-date for successful IP assignment
- Configuring networks during Instant Boot VM is not supported in the Vembu server for Windows 2008 R2 and Linux OSes
- Any change in the disk exclusion rule for a configured backup job will be applied only when an additional full backup is scheduled
- Disks once excluded cannot be included back in the already configured replication job
- If an NFS datastore is created via manual NFS share, it has to be disabled before proceeding with Instant Boot VM
- Instant Boot VM via Hyper-V/KVM will attach ‘Only Disk 0’ on Vembu BDR server for Windows server: 2008 R2 and Windows 2012
- If the ESXi is attached to vCenter then Hot Add transport mode will not work
- If marked chunks are deleted before performing export in the BDR server, then the import process will fail in the OffsiteDR server
- Additional full backup of already seeded backup will not be considered for the seed process
- In File-level Recovery for VMware and Hyper-V backups, volume labels (like C:\) are not shown exactly as present in the source machine and are replaced with IDs such as Volume1, Volume2, etc
- Need to enable the “Remote Registry” service (if disabled) or make sure it is running before installing Vembu Integration Service
- Tray option will not be available post automatic s/w upgrade. Restarting the machine will make the tray option available
- The import/export process will fail if the target location has special characters in it
- UEFI firmware based VMs cannot be booted in KVM using QEMU
- Vembu BDR Server will not perform integrity check for the backups that are encrypted using a user-generated password at standalone clients
- Vembu OffsiteDR will not perform integrity check for backups that are encrypted using a user-generated password created at both Vembu BDR Server and standalone clients
- Instant Boot VM/Disk Mount/Download VMs fails for Windows XP on KVM Hypervisor
- Restoring persistent boot changes in Linux servers does not work
- Restarting the VembuBDR service will make the virtual drive get unlisted in file explorer, however, recovery options will work as expected
- Unicode are not allowed in any kind of fields in Credential Manager, but it is allowed in VMB client and updated properly in DB
- There is no option to delete the added credentials, they only can be edited
- If the Vembu Integration Service service is stopped, the tray icon will not be available
- Emails alerts for aborted replication jobs will not have the subject stating that the replication job has been aborted
- In Vembu OffsiteDR Dashboard, the status of the aborted jobs will be shown as ‘Success’
- While upgrading from v4.0 to v4.01/v4.0.2 Vembu BDR\OffsiteDR shows an invalid alert if two instances of PostgreSQL are running in the machine
- Apache/PHP is not upgraded to the latest versions in Red Hat client builds
- In some random cases, the next scheduled time for the backup is not getting updated properly
- Unable to configure emails from Exchange Server 2016 with Authentication Enabled
- OffsiteDR seed is not working if the replication is configured from Linux BDR server to windows OffsiteDR server due to PostgreSQL version compatibility
- Full-featured backup configured from two servers registered to the same portal account fails after a License check
- After doing seed migration to the Offsite DR server, the first incremental restore point is not getting listed in the recovery page, until the second incremental backup is successfully sent to the OffsiteDR server
- If the redistributable package was skipped during the installation, in case if it is manually removed or an Antivirus cleans up the package from the temp location, the installation will not throw any error and will be completed successfully
- The customization of port values during the installation is not supported for client agents
- System files exclusion is not working for simple dynamic disks
- File exclusion for image backup is supported only for Microsoft Windows NTFS volumes
- Split spanned, or mirrored volumes of dynamic disks are not supported for file exclusion
- File exclusion will not work if the VM migrates from one host to another
- The backup will fail if the pagefile.sys or hiberfil.sys file is excluded from the VM disk of type FAT32
- Historical VM level report doesn’t show the warning remarks for VMware plugin on both Windows & Linux BDR servers
- When backing up Linux VMs in a turned-off state, the backup job level report status and remarks are different from list backup jobs and recovery page reports
- If a single VM is configured for backup in a backup job, and it completes with a warning, but the backup job level report is updated incorrectly as ‘Failed’ instead of ‘Warning’
- In a VM backup job, if 1 or more VM backup is completed with warning and rest are successful. then the backup job level report is updated incorrectly as ‘Partial’ instead of ‘Warning’
- When backing up Linux VMs in a turned-on state, the backup job level report status and remarks are different from list backup jobs and recovery page reports
- If the VM name is changed after configuring the backup, then the Data integrity report displays only the old VM name instead of the new name
- When editing the backup job, selecting the “Run this backup job immediately after saving” checkbox will not run the backup job immediately
- Resume restore option is not supported for suspended restores of File\Folder backups
- There is no option to filter and view only missed schedules on backup job level report page
- The interrupted server rebuild process will not proceed from where it left off
- For boot failure cases, the boot status will be shown as ‘Success’ in the data integrity report
- End time of Data Integrity Check is incorrect in Data Integrity Reports for backup jobs which have more than one VM
- After upgrading the BDR360 agent, the reports are not sending to BDR360 Server
- For file/folder backup, if the backup schedule has no new or modified files, but the backup server shows ‘Backup completed successfully’ in the report instead of ‘No new or modified files found for backup’
- VMware & Hyper-V virtual appliances for Vembu BDR Backup Server and Vembu Offsite DR Servers are retired
- All the recovery points are listed in the ODR restore tree if the retention for the backup job happens and then replicated to the Offsite DR server.
- The remark of the backup job level report updated incorrectly, if the backup job fails due to no space in the volumes of the backup repository.