Vembu BDR Suite » Known Issues & Limitations » Backup & Replication for Microsoft Hyper-V

Backup & Replication for Microsoft Hyper-V

  1. PowerShell should be installed in Hyper-V host machines to configure Hyper-V backup
  2. Guest VMs running on operating systems that do not support VSS such as Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and all Linux OSes will remain in a saved state while the VSS snapshot is created
  3. Virtual machines without Hyper-V Integration Services installed will remain in a saved state while the VSS snapshot is created
  4. VMs running on Windows Server 2008 are not supported for backup
  5. VMs running on Windows 2008 R2 CSV environment are not supported for backup
  6. VMs with checkpoints (*.AVHD & *.AVHDx) will not be backed up. To perform a backup, checkpoints need to be removed
  7. For application consistent backup, the guest machines should be installed with the latest Hyper-V integration services
  8. Flat VMDK restore is not supported for generation 2 guest OSes with more than 2TB of disk
  9. Full VM Recovery of Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012 is not supported for Generation 2 guest machines
  10. Datastore created by Vembu BDR/Vembu OffsiteDR server during Instant Boot VM will not be auto-removed when unmounted in Vembu console
  11. 6 GB RAM will be assigned by default for VMs booted during Instant Boot VM in VMWare ESXi
  12. During Instant Boot VM and Full VM Recovery, the Shared VHDX cannot be used as a normal disk
  13. When VMs are migrated to a new node and Vembu Integration Service is not installed in that node, then backups will fail
  14. Email Report will not be sent for Full VM Recovery to Hyper-V in the successful completion
  15. Performing Instant Boot VM on Hyper-V of Windows Server 2008 R2 & 2012 will attach & boot only the OS disk
  16. During a Full VM Recovery, VM creation will fail if the VM name or the target location has an apostrophe(‘) in it
  17. Hyper-V Cluster VM backup with its disks in Storage Space Direct is not supported
  18. Recovery of Generation 2 Linux OS with UEFI partition (secure boot enabled) will not work, if no .efi file is found during the restore
  19. Backups will hang for the VMs on Windows 2008 R2 Hyper-V Host with Execution policy ‘AllSigned’ & ‘Restricted’
  20. Hyper-V Multiple Snapshot initialization is not allowed for the same volumes
  21. VSS is not supported for volumes with FAT32 file systems, hence during the snapshot, VM will go to saved state/offline mode
  22. Full VM Recovery, File-Level Recovery, and Download VMs will fail when the VMs have special characters in their names
  23. Shielded VM properties are not recovered after restoring the VM
  24. While Log Truncation will work, Application-aware Processing will not work in Windows Server 2008 R2 guest OSes
  25. Prerequisites verification fails for Hyper-V standalone hosts without any alert
  26. VMs running on the Hyper-V host of Windows Server 2016 nano servers are not supported for backup
  27. Backup fails if the VM disks configured for backup are compressed
  28. If the VMs configured for backup from Hyper-V host of Windows Server 2012R2 are upgraded to Windows Server 2016, then the very first checkpoint created after OS upgrade for the VM backup progress will not be removed automatically
  29. If new disks were added to the VMs during an incremental backup or if VM has a differencing disk, then the backup will be processed for the entire disk but upload only the used space
  30. You cannot add a cluster to the backup infrastructure if the Hyper-V Cluster name has more than 14 characters. However, the Hyper-V Cluster can be added using the cluster IP
  31. Changes tracking using Microsoft native RCT is only supported for Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10
  32. Only the Virtual machines with hardware version 6.2 above support changed tracking using Microsoft native RCT. Lower hardware versions of the virtual machine will be backed up using a checksum
  33. Pass-through virtual disks and disks connected inside the guest VM via iSCSI will be skipped from backup processing
  34. Shared VHDX/VHDS VM environments not supported for backups using Microsoft native RCT
  35. Backup fails if the VM disks configured for backup are encrypted
  36. If the virtual machine reverted to older checkpoints after that VM was successfully backed up, the next immediate schedule will proceed using the checksum
  37. While performing Instant Boot VM and Full VM Recovery Linux VM of Generation 2, then it is required to import VM configuration file available in the location “sgstorage -> -> -> 1 -> -> -> -> 1-500 -> 1″ to the restore location to avoid boot failure
  38. Any new node is added or an older node removed from the cluster then the immediate backup schedule is based on checksum
  39. Any node in the cluster goes unreachable in between two or more backup schedules then the immediate backup schedule is based on checksum
  40. If the VM’s virtual hard disk is disconnected and reconnected in the Hyper-V host, then the next immediate schedule is based on checksum
  41. Backup is getting hanged if network connection dropped when processing the VM Configuration file
  42. Hyper-V VM backup using RCT fails if the guest VM is Windows Server 2008 R2
  43. If the Hyper-V VM property "quality of service" is changed, then the property changes are not replicated to the replica VM

File Level Recovery

1. File Level Recovery is supported only for the NTFS file system and is not supported for other file systems such as FAT, ReFS, etc.

2. File-Level Recovery for the replicated VMs is supported only for NTFS, ReFS, and FAT32 file systems

3. Only volumes with the NTFS file system can be recovered. This recovery will fail if compression/encryption is enabled.

4. For VMware and Hyper-V backups, File-level Recovery and Disk management mount are not supported for dynamic disks

5. For Windows disk image backup, File-level Recovery is supported only for the simple volume of dynamic disks, other types of volumes such as Stripped, Spanned, Raid, and Mirrored are not supported for File-Level Recovery.

6. File-Level Recovery for the replicated VMs is supported only when Vembu BDR Server is installed on Windows and is not supported if Vembu BDR Server is installed on the Linux server.

7. File Level Recovery is supported only for Windows virtual machines and is not supported for the other OSes such as MAC, Linux, etc

8. Folders/files encrypted in NTFS volume will not be restored when File Level Recovery is performed

9. File\Folder names will not be displayed properly on the restore page for the Chinese language

10. When the 'Compressed Restore Data'  option is enabled for file-level recovery, the original files are also getting restore along with the compressed ZIP