Step 4: Backup Job Scheduling
- The schedule option defines the frequency of your Microsoft Windows Backup job. You can configure the incremental backup schedules by choosing between Run Every/Run Daily/Run Weekly options.
- Select Run Every option if you want to run your backup at regular intervals on a specific day(s). The time frame ranges from 15 minutes to 12 hours a day on specific days a week. By default, all the days in the week will be selected. If you don't want to run your backup on all days, manually select the days on which you want to run the backup.
- If you want to run your backup every day, select the Run Daily option and configure the period in which your backup has to occur.
- If you want to run your backup every week on a specific day and time, choose the Run Weekly option. Select the time frame and day in which you want to run the backup
Note: By default, Run Every option will be selected for the backup schedule