
Follow the steps required to proceed with the authentication protocol for executing the automation scripts;

1. The auth.csv file will be present inside the BDRAuthentication Folder

(Windows BDR Backup Server): $$InstallationDirectory\Vembu\BDRSuiteScripts\BDRAuthentication\auth.csv

For ExampleC:\Program Files\Vembu\BDRSuiteScripts\BDRAuthentication\auth.csv

(Linux BDR Backup Server): $$InstallationDirectory/Vembu/BDRSuiteScripts/BDRAuthentication/auth.csv

For Example, /home/vembubdr/Vembu/BDRSuiteScripts/BDRAuthentication/auth.csv

2. Open the auth.csv file using any text editor and update the following inputs.

a. UserName: Login user name created for the BDRSuite Backup Server web console.

b. password_md5: Update the md5 value of login password of the BDRSuite Backup Server. 

Use the following link to get the md5 value,

Example: The md5 value of ‘admin’ is ‘21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3’

c. endpoint_url: Update the URL BDRSuite Backup Server of which you want to get the custom report.

Endpoint_url format: http://machine_name(or)machine_ip:port/bdrwebservices.php


3. Sample Input :  UserName,password_md5,endpoint_url

