
BDRSuite Offsite Copy/DR

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Your backups can be replicated to an offsite location and to the BDRSuite cloud, this comes in handy in times of disaster. From the BDRSuite Backup Server, select the BDRSuite Infrastructure tab, choose the Offsite DR option.

Note: Before enabling Offsite copy, you need to register your BDRSuite Backup Server. Register your BDRSuite Backup Server with your BDRSuite Portal account.

If you haven’t registered your BDRSuite Backup Server with the BDRSuite Portal account then you cannot enable the offsite copy. So you need to navigate to Management Tab and choose the License option and register your BDRSuite Backup Server.

If already registered you can continue to connect your BDRSuite Backup Server to the Offsite DR Server by Enabling the Offsite Copy Management .

Primary Backup Jobs that are configured with both block and object storage as repository can be used for creating Offsite Copy/DR.

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