Vembu Best Practices Guide

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Vembu BDR backup server cluster deployment

Vembu had introduced several clustering techniques that simplify your deployment. This is aimed at small and medium scale businesses running critical data. To begin with, let us discuss how Vembu BDR cluster must be deployed and its working.

We recommend you to install PostgreSQL with VembuBDR installer in a physical machine and dedicate it for PostgreSQL database alone to handle requests from clients separately rather than setting up a database in the same machine where the application is running. This would be helpful in extreme conditions when the main server goes down and the database files will be safe.


Keep the storage files of PostgreSQL in a common location which helps to rebuild the PostgreSQL server if it goes down.

Allocate static IP/DNS to all server nodes.

If there are more number of failover nodes, we recommend you to add the IP of all the nodes. Once you edit the file, save the file and restart PostgreSQL from the services section.