Prerequisites to Add Google Workspace Organization

Prerequisites to Add Google Workspace Organization

To backup Google Workspace domain data, a user needs to register BDRSuite Backup for the Google Workspace backup application and generate the application ID and secret key.

Step 1: Create a Project

  • Sign in to the Google Cloud Platform account using the super administrator credentials. Once signed in, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page. 

  • Click on the Menu icon on the top left and select IAM & Admin -> Manage Resources option. 

  • Click the Create Project button which will open the New project page. 

  • Enter a Project name and select the organization you want to backup. Then click on the CREATE button. 
  • Once the project is created successfully, you need to select the newly created project to proceed.

  • You can click on the SELECT PROJECT button on the notification box displayed near the project (or) Go to the Dashboard page under APIs & Services and click the project selection dropdown at the top of the page. Select your project from the selection window modal dialog.

Step 2: Enable APIs for the project 

  • Click on the Menu icon on the top left and select APIs & Services -> Library option.

  • Use the search box to find each API listed below. Click the API name which will redirect to its respective API page. Then, click the ENABLE button. 

    • Admin SDK API

    • Gmail API

    • Google Drive API

    • Google Calendar API

    • Google People API

Information Note: Please confirm if all the above-mentioned APIs are enabled as they are required for backup & restore operations.  

Step 3: Create a service account in the project to access APIs

  • Click on the Menu icon on the top left and select APIs & Services -> Credentials option.

  • Click the Create Credentials button and select the Service Account option from the dropdown.

  • On the Create service account page, provide a name for the service account and the service account description is an optional field. Then, click the CREATE AND CONTINUE button.
  • Next, choose the Owner option from the ‘Select a role’ dropdown and click CONTINUE.

Lastly, click DONE and you will be redirected to the Credentials page. 

  • Under the Service Accounts section, click the email address of the service account you created which will redirect you to a new page.

  • On this page, select the KEYS tab at the top of the screen, and click the ADD KEY dropdown box and choose to create a new key option.

  • On the Create private key dialog box, choose the key type as JSON and click CREATE. This will download a file to your computer which contains the private key.

Information Note: Save the file because the private key can't be recovered if lost. 

Step 4: Authorize your client ID in the Admin console

  • Sign in to your Google Admin console with super administrator credentials. Once you sign in, you will be redirected to the Home page.

  • Click on the Menu icon on the top left and select Security -> Access and data control -> API controls.

  • On this page, under the Domain-wide delegation section, click MANAGE DOMAIN-WIDE DELEGATION button.

  • On the Manage domain-wide delegation page, click Add new. This will open the Add a new Client ID dialog box.

On the Client ID field, enter your service account's client ID which is available in the JSON file downloaded when creating the service account.

  • Once you have added all the scopes, click the Authorize button.

Information Note: Please confirm if all the above-mentioned scopes are added as they are required for backup & restore operations. To confirm, select the new client ID and click View details. If any scope is missed, click Edit, enter the missing scopes, and click Authorize.  
