Vembu BDR Suite » Vembu Backup for Microsoft Windows » Vembu Client for Windows Image Backup (Optional) » Backup Client Settings » Bandwidth Throttling
Bandwidth Throttling
Bandwidth Throttling
- Bandwidth throttling option enables you to limit network bandwidth used by backup jobs. This helps in a balanced network usage in a work environment.
If bandwidth throttling is configured in both client and backup server, then the bandwidth throttling setting of the backup server will be active over the client |
- From the Settings tab, select Bandwidth Throttling option.
Options to Bandwidth Throttle
- When you enabled bandwidth throttling from the client-side, you will have two options to choose from:
- Throttle bandwidth always
- Throttle bandwidth ‘From’ - ‘To’
Throttle bandwidth always- This option will keep the applied bandwidth limit always active.
Throttle bandwidth ‘From’ - ‘To’- This option allows you to specify a time frame when the applied throttling will be active.
- You will be asked to specify the maximum throttle limit on client machines that range in - Kbps, Mbps, Gbps.
- Besides, a check-box to Disable Bandwidth Throttling during Weekend is provided, enable it when required.
- Once done selecting the required configuration, click Save.