Vembu NetworkBackup User Guide

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File Backup

How to get here in the NetworkBackup Client Web Console?

Configuring File Backup

Step 1: Choose the files(s)/folder(s) for the backup:

Note: If a file/folder is not selected, it will be excluded from the backup. These files/folders will be listed in the 'Edit Backup' page.

Note: You cannot combine two preconfigured folders like 'My Documents' and 'Registry', they must be chosen separately. Similarly you cannot combine a preconfigured folder and a local folder for backup.

Files/Folders Filter Settings :

Filter option allows you to filter the files/folders that you do not want to backup as per your requirement. There are two types of filters modes available:

Note: Ensure that you have selected files/folders for the backup schedule before you configure the files/folders filter option.

Standard Filter

Include Only Files of Type -

Note: The filter criteria will not be eligible for pre-configured files and folders selection (My Documents, IE Settings, Desktop, System State & Registry backups).

Exclude Files of Type -

Note: Filter criteria will not be eligible when you combine a folder and shortcut backup schedules like IE Favorites, Outlook & Registry backups

Note: If you have chosen the entire system drive for backup, the Standard Filter will be disabled by default. You can use Advanced Filter instead.

Advanced Filter:

If you are not satisfied with the filter options available in standard filter page, then click on advanced filter mode. This page provides you furthermore filter options. You can include/exclude specific files/folders from your backup. You can either specify the text pattern that matches or the name of the file/folder you want to include/exclude. This rule can be applied to 3 levels of folders which are mentioned below:

The filter working in each level of folders is explained below :

for the immediate sub-folders only:

to all levels of sub-folders:

for the selected folders only:

Note: You can specify a maximum of 20 filters. The filters work independently of each other.

Step 2: Configure Scheduling

Server configuration:

Select Backup Server:

Test Connectivity:

Add Backup Server:


Note: By default, Run Every option will be selected.

Note: For Run Once schedule, Retention of deleted files and Automatic Directory Monitoring options are not applicable.

Step 3 - Configuring Retention (Retention Policies)

Vembu NetworkBackup provides retention feature wherein you can retain multiple versions of the backup in the backup server. Retention is aimed at optimizing the storage utilization while adhering to your organizations backup policy. Retention can be configured for backed up files as well as deleted files. Vembu NetworkBackup retains the version files at the backup server based on two types of retention:

Version-Based Retention:

Note: When Intelli-Delta option is disabled for a backup schedule, Vembu NetworkBackup will backup the entire file if the file was modified since the last backup schedule. In such cases, Vembu NetworkBackup will retain multiple versions of the entire file as per the version retention count that was configured for that backup.

Time-Based Retention:

When you select Time-Based Retention as your retention type, Vembu NetworkBackup will retain the version of your backup files in the backup server based on the age of version. The time period varies from day, week, month and year(default). Default count is for 5 years, which implies that until 5 years your version of the backup data will be retained in the backup server and will then be removed automatically. The maximum number of versions that can be retained during this period is 10 years. You can further customize your Retention based on two options provided:

Any number of versions can be created within this retention period:

Restrict the maximum number of versions that can be created within this retention period to :

Retention policy for deleted files[for Windows only]:

Note: This option is enabled only in Windows client machines and not supported in client machines running Ubuntu, Mac or Free BSD operating systems

Version-Based Retention:

Retains the specified versions of the files that are deleted in the client machine. The specified version will be retained in the backup server and this is the default option. Retention count runs from '01' to '99' (default is 5)

Time-Based Retention:

Time-Based Retention will retain the versions of a file for a specified time period once the files are deleted in the client machine. The default retention count is for 5 years, which means Vembu NetworkBackup will retain the versions for 5 years. When you select years as a criteria, you can only retain the versions upto 10 years.

Don't retain deleted files:

If files are deleted in the client machine, all backed up versions of these files will be deleted from the server as well in the subsequent backup schedules. This is not recommended as you will lose your data permanently. Click Save once you have configured the required retention settings.

Additional Full Backups(Optional)

Additional Full Backups can be configured in the following order of scheduling:

Note: You can limit the number of full backups to be retained with 'Store a maximum of' option. With this option, you can share the unwanted storage data occupied based for a time period. For example, a user needing no more than 6 months of data retainment can configure 6 monthly full backups where the 1st Additional Full Backup will be deleted on the 7th month when a new full backup completes successfully.

Advanced Options (Optional)

Advanced Backup Schedule Settings

Run this backup each time Vembu NetworkBackup restarts -

Automatic Directory Monitoring:

By default, this option is enabled in Windows so that Vembu NetworkBackup will be auto-notified with the list of changed files/folders. This saves the time taken to rescan every file/folder configured in a backup job during each incremental. If disabled, it rescans files/folders configured for each incremental and is time-consuming.

Note: By default Automatic Directory Monitoring is disabled in Linux and Mac OS X machines.

Note: Vembu NetworkBackup performs rsync based delta backup for incremental jobs, (i.e) only the changed portions of files/folders will be backed up.

Backup NTFS Permissions for the files and folders configured(if applicable)

By default, this option is enabled in Windows, so that Vembu NetworkBackup backs up NTFS file permissions along with the files configured. The NTFS file permissions are restored along with restored files during restore process initiated at the client end.

Note: NTFS permissions are not restored in the server-side restore and third-party restores.

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)

Vembu NetworkBackup creates a snapshot copy(read-only) of the volume that corresponds to the configured files/folder in a backup job. This snapshot will be used for backing up the volume configured. VSS ensures consistency with backups taken thereby avoiding problems with file locking as we use a read-only snapshot copy for backup. This option is enabled by default.

Pre\Post Backup Commands:

Pre\Post Backup commands allows you to configure system level actions that are to be executed before and after a backup process. This action includes running an application or executing script files.

When will Pre\Post Backup Commands be useful?

If an application has extensively locked a file and you must close that specific application before Vembu NetworkBackup can backup that file, in such cases you can run a Pre-backup command to close that specific application and then run a post-backup command to open that specific application again once Vembu NetworkBackup successfully backs up that file.

Pre & Post Backup Commands settings:

     For Example:

Windows - Commands, *.bat, *.cmd files

Linux - Commands, bash(shell scripting),  *.sh files

     For Example: C:\MyTools\myzip.exe. A simple zip tool which compresses the given files or folders that is present in the system command path.

Note: This feature is applicable for Vembu ImageBackup client, Vembu NetworkBackup client (for File Backups, MS SharePoint, MySQL backup) and Vembu OnlineBackup client.

Encryption Setting:

Backups configured under Vembu NetworkBackup can be encrypted with a user-defined password which can be provided during backup configuration.

Steps to add Encryption Password:

Note: By default, Vembu NetworkBackup uses the system-generated password to encrypt backups even if Encryption is disabled. You can opt to a custom password for extended data protection and you will be required to provide it during recovery. Opting to the custom password will disable integrity check from being performed automatically. It is recommended to perform Quick VM Recovery periodically to ensure data integrity.

Note: Password and its hint should not be the same to avoid security issues. Password should contain at least a character, a number and a special character [ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ]. Encryption hint should be at least 6 characters and not more than 25 characters. Encryption hints are unique and no two passwords can have the same encryption hint.

Step 4 : Review Configurations :

Note: While providing a backup name, only [a-z][A-Z][0-9][ - _ ] characters are allowed in the backup name. If you have configured a backup schedule with this name already, enter a different name for this backup job.

Note: To enhance your backup performance, close the progress window and open it only occasionally to check backup progress.