Vembu NetworkBackup User Guide

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MS Exchange Server Backup

Vembu NetworkBackup offers you MS Exchange Server backup in an effective manner with the help of Microsoft Exchange Server plugin.

How does Exchange Server plugin work ? 

Why is backup of MS Exchange Server necessary

Things to note before you configure an Exchange Server Backup: 

Supported Versions:

To Backup Microsoft Exchange Server :

Step 1: Choose MS Exchange Server(s)

Step 2: Configure Full Backup Scheduling

Need for configuring a Full Backup?

Server configuration:

Select Backup Server:

Test Connectivity:

Add Backup Server:


You can configure your backup schedules flexibly based on your requirement. You can choose from Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly options for backup schedules.

Note: Run Monthly is the recommended and default configuration.

Full Backup Retention:

Step 3- Synthetic Full Backup Scheduling:

What is Synthetic full backup ?

Note: Once Synthetic Full Backup is completed, the log files older than the time when the Synthetic Full Backup began would be purged.


You can configure your backup schedules flexibly based on your requirement. You can choose from Monthly/Weekly options for backup schedules.

Run Monthly- This option will let you run the full backup once a month. Specify the day, time and month of your choice for full backup schedules.

Run Weekly- This option lets you run a full backup once in a week. Specify the day and time of your choice to perform full backups in a week. Click Save once you have configured the schedule. 

What is an Incremental Log Backup?

Note: You cannot perform an incremental backup when circular logging is enabled in your Exchange Server settings.

Note: If you select Run Monthly or Run Weekly for Synthetic Full Backup, you cannot select Run Daily or Run Hourly scheduling for Full Backups. The time interval between Full Backups should be greater than the time interval between Synthetic Full Backups.

What is Differential Log Backup?

Note: You cannot perform a differential backup when circular logging is enabled in your Exchange Server settings.

Note: If you select Run Hourly for full backup then Run Weekly or Run Daily option selected for incremental backup is not valid. You must select Run Every Few Minutes.

Encryption Setting:

Backups configured under Vembu NetworkBackup can be encrypted with a user-defined password which can be provided during backup configuration.

Steps to add Encryption Password:

Note: By default, Vembu NetworkBackup uses the system-generated password to encrypt backups even if Encryption is disabled. You can opt to a custom password for extended data protection and you will be required to provide it during recovery. Opting to the custom password will disable integrity check from being performed automatically. It is recommended to perform Quick VM Recovery periodically to ensure data integrity.

Note: Password and its hint should not be the same to avoid security issues. Password should contain at least a character, a number and a special character [ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ] .Encryption hint should be at least 6 characters and not more than 25 characters. Encryption hints are unique and no two passwords can have the same encryption hint.

Step 4- Review Configurations :

Note: While providing a backup name, only [a-z][A-Z][0-9][ - _ ] characters are allowed in the backup name. If you have configured a backup schedule with this name already, enter a different name for this backup job.

Note: Run this backup immediately after saving this configuration will not be applicable for Run Daily schedule.

Note: To enhance your backup performance, close the progress window and open it only occasionally to check backup progress.