Vembu NetworkBackup User Guide

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Note: Offsite copy type once saved cannot be changed. Ensure that you choose the right option.


In addition, you have an option to Seed backup data to OffsiteDR, where you will get the initial full backup data stored locally and get it transferred over a storage medium(HDD/USB) to the offsite server.

For Example: if you limit the size as 2 GB then the backups with size more than or equal to 2GB will only be shipped. Backups lesser than 2GB will not be configured for Offsite seed.

Bandwidth Throttling

Bandwidth Throttling option enables you to limit the network bandwidth used by backup jobs. This helps in a balanced network usage in a work environment.

Options to Bandwidth Throttle:

Throttle bandwidth always- This option will keep the applied bandwidth limit always active.

Throttle bandwidth ‘From’ - ‘To’- This option allow you to specify a time frame when the applied throttling will be active.