Vembu NetworkBackup User Guide

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System State Backup

System State Backup consists of several critical components such as Boot Files, Registry, SYSVOL, Component Services, Class Registration Database Cluster Database, and Internet Information Services. When these critical files are lost during a disaster it might lead to various problems. Hence the main purpose of System State Backup is to retrieve the critical components in case of a crash.

How does it work?

Vembu NetworkBackup utilizes WBAdmin - a windows command line utility to backup the System State data. During the backup process, Vembu NetworkBackup will initiate the WBAdmin utility to take the dump of system state locally and then transfer the data to the backup server. The dump process happens because the size of the System State Backup could be in several GB’s and also to prevent data loss during the backup. Automatic Directory Monitoring reduces the amount of data sent across the network during an incremental by only sending the data changed since the last backup.

Configuring System State Backup :

Step 1: Choose File(s)/Folder(s)

Note: Files/Folders Filter option is not available for preconfigured files and folders selections.

Step 2: Configure Scheduling

Server configuration:

Select Backup Server:

Test Connectivity:

Add Backup Server:

You can configure your backup schedules flexibly based on your requirement. You can choose from Every/Daily/Weekly/Continuous/Run Once options for backup schedules.

Note: You cannot choose Run Continuous, or Run Every Few Minutes scheduling option for System State backup.

Step 3 - Configure Retention Policy :

Note: Retention of deleted files is not supported for Mapped Drives and Preconfigured folders (except for Desktop and My Documents) backup. It will be disabled.

Retention policy for “backed up files” :

Version-Based Retention:

Version-Based retention type will retain multiple version of your backup in the backup server based on the value you have provided. For example, if you have selected to keep last 5 version(s) of the backup data, then the latest 5 versions of the backup data will be maintained by Vembu NetworkBackup. When the sixth version of the file is created, Vembu NetworkBackup automatically deletes the first version. The count '5' will be maintained at all times. This is the default retention type and the default value is '5'. Version count begins from '00' and runs up to '99'.

Note: When Intelli-Delta option is disabled for a backup schedule, Vembu NetworkBackup will backup the entire file if the file was modified since the last backup schedule. In such a case, Vembu NetworkBackup will retain multiple versions of the entire file as per the version retention count configure for that backup.

Time-Based Retention:

When you select Time-Based Retention as your retention type, Vembu NetworkBackup will retain the version of your backup files in the backup server based on the age of version. The time period varies from day, week, month and year(default). Default count is for 5 years, which implies that until 5 years your version of the backup data will be retained in the backup server and will then be removed automatically. The maximum number of versions that can be retained during this period is 10 years. You can further customize your Retention based on two options provided:

Any number of versions can be created within this retention period:

When you select this option, Vembu NetworkBackup will retain all the versions of the backup data in the specified time frame. For example, if you have selected 5 years and select this option, all the versions that occur in the 5 years will be retained in your backup server. This is the default setting.

Restrict the maximum number of versions that can be created within this retention period to :

Vembu NetworkBackup will retain the version files based on the value you configure. For example, if you have selected value as '5', only the last five versions of the files created will be maintained. By default the retention count is '05'.

Configuring Temporary Location for backup dumps :

Enter location/directory path for backup dumps or add a mapped drive in which System State dumps can be stored temporarily before it is uploaded to the backup server. Please ensure you have enough storage space on configured disk(where the backup dump is to be stored) and the backup dump will be deleted from temporary location once data transfer to the remote backup server is completed successfully.

Encryption Setting

Backups configured under Vembu NetworkBackup can be encrypted with a user-defined password which can be provided during backup configuration.

Steps to add password under Encryption Setting page:

Note: By default, Vembu NetworkBackup uses the system-generated password to encrypt backups even if Encryption is disabled. You can opt to a custom password for extended data protection and you will be required to provide it during recovery. Opting to the custom password will disable integrity check from being performed automatically. It is recommended to perform Quick VM Recovery periodically to ensure data integrity.

Note: Password and its hint should not be the same to avoid security issues. Encryption hint should be at least 6 characters and not more than 25 characters. Encryption hints are unique and no two passwords can have the same encryption hint.

Additional Full Backups(Optional)

For Continuous and Run Every Few Hours schedules- Configuring daily/weekly/monthly additional full backup is possible.

For Run Daily schedule- Configuring weekly/monthly Additional Full Backup are the possible options.

For Run Weekly schedule- Monthly full backup is the only possible Additional Full Backup.

For Run Once schedule- You cannot configure an additional full backup.

Note: You can limit the number of full backups to be retained with 'Store a maximum of' option. With this option, you can share the unwanted storage data occupied based for a time period. For example, a user needing no more than 6 months of data retainment can configure 6 monthly full backups where the 1st additional full backup will be deleted on the 7th month when a new full backup completes successfully. The default value is ‘2’.

Advanced Options (Optional)

Advanced Backup Schedule Settings

Run this backup each time Vembu NetworkBackup Restarts:

Intelli-Delta Backup

Automatic Directory Monitoring:

Backup NTFS Permissions for the files and folders configured(Not applicable):

Note:NTFS permissions are not restored in the server-side restore and third-party restores.

Volume Shadow Copy Service (Not Applicable) -

Pre\Post Backup Command:

Pre\Post Backup Commands allow the user to configure system-level actions that are to be executed before and after a backup process. This action includes running an application or executing script files.

Pre & Post Backup command settings:

Note: This feature is applicable for Vembu ImageBackup client, Vembu NetworkBackup client (for File Backups, MS SharePoint, MySQL backup) and Vembu OnlineBackup client.

Encryption Setting

Backups configured under Vembu NetworkBackup can be encrypted with a user-defined password. The password can be provided during the backup configuration.

Steps to add Encryption Password:

Note: Password and its hint should not be the same to avoid security issues. Password should contain at least a character, a number and a special character [ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ] .Encryption hint should be at least 6 characters and not more than 25 characters. Encryption hints are unique and no two passwords can have the same encryption hint.

Step 4: Review Configuration

Note: While providing a backup name, only [a-z][A-Z][0-9][ - _ ] characters are allowed in the backup name. If you have configured a backup schedule with this name already, enter a different name for this backup job.

Note: 'Run this backup immediately after saving this configuration' will not be applicable for 'Run Every' Schedule.

Note: To enhance your backup performance, close the progress window and open it only occasionally to check backup progress.