Prerequisites to Add AWS Accounts

Prerequisites to Add AWS Accounts

It is necessary to  Create & Attach a Policy to the User and set up Access Key ID & Secret access key as a prerequisite action to further proceed with adding the AWS Account.

1. Create & Attach Policy to User

Create a new policy and attach it to a user in your AWS account using any of the following methods:

METHOD 1 - Using JSON to create a policy

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console
  • Search for IAM service in the Find Services section and choose the service. This will redirect you to the Identity and Access Management(IAM) page.
  • Choose Policies from the IAM Dashboard displayed on the left pane.
  • Then, choose Create policy option and click on the JSON tab.
  • On the JSON Editor, remove the existing text and then copy and paste the entire content from the following JSON policy document
  • Once you have entered the JSON, click on the Review policy button.
  • On the Review policy page, provide Name and Description (optional) for the policy that you are creating and click Create Policy.
  • Once the policy is created, you can select the user for whom the policy needs to be attached. Choose Users on the IAM Dashboard and select the name of the user from the list to attach the created policy.
  • On the Summary page of the selected user, click on Add Permissions.
  • Select Attach Existing Policies Directly option on the Grant Permission Page.
  • Then, select the policy created using the above JSON from the list and click Next: Review
  • Lastly, on the Permission Summary page, click the Add Permissions button.

METHOD 2 - Using Visual editor to create a policy

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console
  • Search for IAM service in the Find Services section and choose the service. This will redirect you to the Identity and Access Management(IAM) page.
  • Choose Policies from the IAM Dashboard displayed on the left pane.
  • Then, choose Create policy option and click on the Visual Editor tab.
  • On the Visual Editor page, click on Choose a service. Initially, add one of the following services (Eg: S3). Then, In the Actions section, select the Access level for the service chosen and expand each of the access levels to choose individual actions. In the Resources section, choose the 'All Resources' option. Then, click on 'Add additional permissions' and repeat the process to grant access to each of the services listed below.
S3List - ListBucket
Read - GetObject
Write - CreateBucket, PutObject
STSRead -GetCallerIdentity
SSM (System Manager)List - ListDocuments
Read - GetCommandInvocation,DescribeInstanceInformation
Write - CreateDocument, SendCommand
List - DescribeAvailabilityZones, DescribeKeyPairs, DescribeVolumes, DescribeInstances, DescribeRegions, DescribeVolumeStatus, DescribeInstanceStatus, DescribeSnapshots, DescribeVpcs
Tagging - CreateTags
Write - AttachVolume, DeleteSnapshot,RegisterImage, CreateImage, DeleteVolume, RunInstances, CreateSnapshots, DeregisterImage, CreateVolume, DetachVolume
  • Once you have chosen the services and actions, click on the Review policy button.
  • On the Review policy page, provide Name and Description (optional) for the policy that you are creating and click Create Policy.
  • Once the policy is created, you can select the user for whom the policy needs to be attached. Choose Users on the IAM Dashboard and select the name of the user from the list to attach the created policy.
  • On the Summary page of the selected user, click on Add Permissions.
  • Select Attach Existing Policies Directly option on the Grant Permission Page.
  • Then, select the policy created using the above JSON from the list and click Next: Review
  • Lastly, on the Permission Summary page, click the Add Permissions button.

2. Access Key ID & Secret access key

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console

  • Search for IAM service in the Find Services section and choose the service. This will redirect you to the Identity and Access Management(IAM) page.

  • Choose Users from the IAM Dashboard displayed on the left pane.

  • Select the user to whom the policy has been attached, and then choose the Security credentials tab.

  • In the Access keys section, you can use the existing access key or create a new key:

    • If you have already generated an access key for the user, you will see the Access Keys list. The secret access key for this will be available in the .csv file which you downloaded earlier. You can use this access key details and add your AWS account to the BDRSuite - Backup for AWS console.
    • To create a new access key, click the Create Access Key option. The new access keys will be generated and displayed one time on the screen. Click Download .csv file to save the Access key ID and secret access key as a CSV file on your computer. You can use this access key details and add your AWS account to the BDRSuite - Backup for AWS console​
